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What does it take to become an Amazon Seller?  There are over 2 million Amazon Sellers on the platform, most of them selling on Amazon under a private label.  It’s no surprise, then, that once you start selling on Amazon you’ll find yourself with plenty of company.

But what does it take?  What’s involved?

ManageByStats provides services for thousands of these private label Amazon sellers.  We therefore have some insight into what it takes to succeed with the retail giant.  Note, selling on Amazon is also called Amazon FBA.

(If you’re new to it, FBA is short for “Fulfilled By Amazon”.  Another term for sellers who list and warehouse their products with Amazon.)

Amazon Sellers.  Who Are They?

The answer is as varied as the Sellers themselves.  They’re all entrepreneurs, business people, but their profiles run the gamut.  Including:

  • All-in-on entrepreneurs, running the entire Amazon business themselves.
  • Side-hustle entrepreneurs selling on Amazon in their spare time.
  • Stay-at-home parents, running a business to contribute to the family income.
  • Advanced entrepreneurs, starting and running an Amazon business, with part- or full-time employees, official offices, facilities and more.
  • All the way to corporate sellers with large enterprises, placing and selling large numbers of products and even entire brands on Amazon.

Each of these fits the description “Amazon Seller”.

Selling On Amazon.  Where Do They Start?

If you find yourself considering starting your own Amazon business, you’re not alone.  Many entrepreneurs and prospective business owners flock to Amazon each day.  As a result the company is a fantastic place to start a business, and has racked up some impressive stats.  Furthermore, you’ve probably heard Amazon passed the Trillion Dollar mark.  That means a market capitalization of over One Trillion Dollars.

That’s a thousand billion dollars, or a million million dollars.  If there was a one-million dollar bill, and you were a trillionaire, you’d have a million of them.

Yep.  Amazon is pretty big.

Here’s some more numbers.  Amazon has:

  • Over 1 million shoppers daily.
  • 1.6 million items sold each day.
  • A thousand items sold per minute (average).

As if all that weren’t enough, Amazon makes it super easy to get started selling on the platform.  Primarily by providing a comprehensive infrastructure that a new seller just needs to plug into.  Warehousing, returns, payouts, customer contact, it’s all there.  What all that means is that Amazon is the perfect place to start a business.

Where do Amazon Sellers start?  With a decision, based on the recognition that, whether you eventually move to other sales channels or not, Amazon will always be central to any online business.

The next step becomes how to get your Amazon business up and running.

What Does It Take To Become An Amazon Seller?

Amazon has made it easy to sell on their platform.  This has contributed greatly to their success.  When Amazon began their FBA program they constructed massive warehouses, then provided all the resources needed by Amazon Sellers to list, sell and deliver products.  Consequently, by doing that, they took things to the next level.  As a result Amazon entered a new era.

Furthermore, Amazon themselves provide everything you need to get started:

Amazon’s Guidelines

Your first steps will involve discovering the product or products you’ll be selling on Amazon.  You may already have products in mind.  Similarly, you may still be looking.  Certainly ample resources exist online to help with that discovery process.

After you have your product, you’ll set up what’s called a Seller Central account with Amazon.  This is where you establish the business entity and brand under which you’ll list and sell.

As with product selection, many resources exist to help you set up your Amazon business and boom your sales.  ManageByStats is affiliated with one group in particular:

Certainly the community of Amazon Sellers is huge.  In fact, connecting with other Sellers is a recommended practice.  Likewise, sharing tips and tricks is one way to help your Amazon business boom.

Tools & Resources

Once you’re selling on Amazon, once you can officially declare yourself an “Amazon Seller”.  So, what comes next?

One of the first things you’ll notice is that managing multiple products through the Amazon Seller Central interface can be difficult, if not confusing.  Especially as the number of products you manage increases.  We at ManageByStats, the authors of this piece, have a suite of Amazon Seller Software Tools designed to help.

ManageByStats software for Amazon offers full transparency into your Amazon business.  This includes profit and ROI on each product, brand or group of products, a full suite of customer tools and more.

You’ll find that once you’re selling on Amazon you’ll need additional support for managing your business.  Fortunately tools and resources exist for this purpose.


Amazon Sellers come from all walks of life.  With Amazon marketplaces around the world, selling on Amazon is a global phenomenon.  As a result people in all countries have created their own Amazon businesses.  Consequently many are successfully selling on the platform.

If you’re thinking about becoming an Amazon Seller, there’s no time like the present.  Amazon has made it as easy as possible to set up shop on their platform, create a listing and send them your products to warehouse and fulfill.  Beyond that it’s just up to you to promote, market, and manage your booming Amazon enterprise.

Happy selling.