Knowledge Base

Adding A Dashboard

You can add multiple Dashboards if desired, and customize each.  In that way you could switch easily between different, tailored displays.

To add a new Dashboard select the pulldown and click a “Add New Dashboard".

Give it a name and click enter, and you’ll now have a new Dashboard tab.

When you select that Dashboard (or any Dashboard) it will show in the pulldown, indicating which Dashboard you're viewing.

Each new Dashboard is a blank canvas.  Your next step will be to create and arrange Dashlets (data boxes) to suite your needs.

We'll look at adding Dashlets in the next article.

Note: to edit or remove a Dashboard tab, click on the three vertical dots to the right of the Dashboard name.

Notice the two toggles, "web" and "mobile".  You can toggle whether that Dashboard tab will be visible on mobile devices (see the KB article on the Mobile App) and/or in web browsers.

You can also Show all dashboards and Show change logs.


Share A Dashboard

You may wish to share a custom Dashboard with specific users.  In order to do this, select the "Share" option.

You'll see a list of users to which you can assign View and/or Edit permissions.  Select the appropriate permissions for the desired users so they can see and/or edit that Dashboard.

(By default the Dashboard will be shared with all users who have rights to that Brand.  See the section on Settings > Users for more on setting permissions.)

Now that we’ve got a test Dashboard we have a blank slate for adding our first Dashlet.