Here’s where you’ll see key info on the Seller Central Accounts you have connected.
For each shop you’ll see info such as the Seller ID and access key, and the email of the user you set up in your Seller Central account. These can be useful for troubleshooting with Support.
Note: You'll also see the "Advertising API" column, with options to link your advertising API. Be sure to use the account user for that account when linking.
Country: the market for that shop, whether, US, CA, UK, etc.
Shop Name: the name of the shop as it appears on Amazon. You can click the Edit button and change the name of the shop to appear as a more logical name if needed, so it is easy to distinguish when selecting shops.
Seller ID: the Amazon Seller Account ID for that shop.
User Status: you’ll notice the User Email is the user you assigned for that shop in Amazon, to which you added permissions. The User Status shows whether it is “All working” (permissions are correct and have been applied), or if permissions still need to be added, or if that user still needs to be invited, etc.
User Email: the specific email assigned by ManageByStats for the user we need invited to your Amazon shop.
AuthToken: when you set up a shop, including the initial shop you connect when setting up ManageByStats, you receive an Authorization Token which you apply as part of the developer access step. This enables us ManageByStats to use the API functions (Application Programming Interface — a way to connect with Amazon and get info). The token is shown here. If you ever need to get a new token, you can add it here.
MWS API Status: shows whether the token has taken effect (API Working Ok), or has an error, or is updating, etc.
By default every user is given the ability to connect two (2) Seller Central accounts to their ManageByStats login. To connect your second Seller Central account or shop click the “Register New” button and follow the steps to add it. These steps will be similar to those you took when first setting up ManageByStats.
If you need to add more than 2 shops you can enable additional shops under Settings > Payments. See the Payments section below.
What constitutes a shop? A shop is a marketplace, essentially. That can be a market in a distinct Seller Central account, or a market in the same Seller Central account. For example, this arrangement:
is considered three (3) shops. The following would also be considered three shops:
and so on.
You can add and manage up to 60 distinct shops in a single ManageByStats login, though depending on the size of the individual shops you may need to upgrade to a dedicated environment. If you experience performance degradation contact Support and we can look at options for handling your multiple, higher-volume shops.
When you have more than one shop you'll see that the additional shops are now available in your user pulldown:
When working in ManageByStats, make sure you have the desired shop selected. For example, if you’re working in SellerMail, or on the Stats page, etc., make sure you have the shop selected that you want to be managing.