Launch Tracker gives you the insight you need into key metrics when launching a product on Amazon.
MBS pulls the info you need over the date range you specify for the selected product, displaying that info for your review.
To get started, select a product from the Tracked ASINs list:
NOTE: We don't collect data on a product until it is sold. If you don’t see the ASIN you wish to track, use the Missing Products Downloader to make it available to Tracker
Click Add.
Next choose a Start Date for your evaluation:
Note: You will be limited in how far back you can set the Start Date based on available data for evaluation. Typically it will not be able to go back more then 60 days.
Click the "TRACK" button and Launch Tracker brings back day-by-day info from the Start Date coming forward.
It can be 4 days before data is collected and displayed. This is relative to how far back you’ve set the Start Date
Ad Spend - PPC spend for that product for that date.
Ad Cost Per Unit - PPC spend per unit for that date.
Ad Cost of Total Revenue - cost of advertsing for that date as represented as a percentage of total sales.
Advertising Spend, and therefore Cost per Unit and ACOTS can lag by as much as 4 days due to the data availability from Amazon. If desire, the Ad Spend can be inserted manually and the calculations will work on that.
The info presented is key for evaluating the success of a product launch. Key data presented is:
Date - the date for which that row of data applies.
Launch Day - as in, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc. of your launch.
Product Revenue - amount made for that product on that date.
Units - Number of units of that product ordered on that date. The number is found in Amazon Business Reports, which is only Orders, not "Sales".
Price - the sale price of the product on that date.
Reviews - the total number of reviews that exist for that product on that date.
Stars - average star rating for the product on that date.
Sessions - for that date. Pulled from advertising data, so it can be a few days behind. The field can be edited manually.
Session % - how many visitors converted to a sale out of the total number of sessions on that listing for the given date range.
Ad Spend - PPC spend for that product for that date.
Ad Cost Per Unit - PPC spend per unit for that date.
Ad Cost of Total Revenue - cost of advertising for that date as represented as a percentage of total sales.
Codes Distributed - any coupon codes that were offered.
Codes Redeemed - number of codes that were redeemed on that date. Only Single-Use codes will be displayed.
Redemption % - percentage of the codes issued that were redeemed.
Rebate Orders - manual entry field for number of rebate orders (if any) on that date. A Rebate Order will NOT be listed as either a PPC Sale or an Organic Sale. (See example below.)
PPC Units - how many units were attributed to your PPC advertising for that date. Includes a unit count and percentage.
Organic Units - how many units were attributed to organic sales, non-PPC, for that date. Includes unit count and percentage.
Rebate Order Example
Rebate Orders are only that and do not come under either of the Sales headings (PPC or Organic)
You can also add notes for each day.
In this way you're able to accurately track and evaluate the performance of each launch.