Knowledge Base

Sales Graphs

This is where you see all key Sales metrics in graph form.

Arrange and customize the graphs according to need.

Clicking the VIEWS button lets you save the current view for reuse later.  Click Views to select a pre-saved view, or to save a new one:

The Save Current View button will allow you to save your current selections, for quick recall later.

GROUP BY:  The Group By selection lets you specify how each column in the Graphs will be scaled.  For example, selecting DAYS will scale the graph by days:

INTERVAL:  You can further refine the grouping by using the Interval option.  The "Auto" setting will automatically select the best interval for that Group By value.  For example, the Auto Interval setting for:

Days = 30 Days

Weeks = 90 Days

Months = 1 Year

Years = 3 Years

The Interval detemines the layout of the graph and the number of data points.

You can also manually select custom intervals:

The system will calculate those intervals using your selected Group By selection.

You can further refine by specifying From and To dates.

FILTER BY:  Use the Filter By option to narrow the information on the Graphs by:

Note: If you manage multiple accounts in your ManageByStats you can see data for all accounts combined by clicking the <-arrow to move to the next highest level.

TAGS:  ManageByStats offers a Product Tag system, which lets you add Tags to SKUs, which can then be used for more advanced grouping of results.  See Products > Product Tags for more on this feature.

You can drag and position graph boxes as desired.  Hover over the top right section of any graph box; click the three dots for more options:

We’ll define each graph below.  Those with a “$” appended are specifically money graphs.

Quantity Ordered:  the Quantity Ordered graph shows how many units have been ordered – even if they are pending orders, and even if they have not been paid for.  As best we can tell, Amazon doesn’t collect the payment until they ship the item, and this can sometimes take a day or two – or more.

Quantity Paid For:  the Quantity Paid For graph shows how many units have been paid for – even if they were ordered earlier, and were just shipped and paid for now.  Amazon provides financial information on each order after it has been shipped and paid for, so this provides actual useable detailed financial information and does not count pending orders (which may or may not end up being shipped and paid for).

Product Sales Revenue $:  the Product Sales Revenue graph shows the revenue generated by the units shipped and paid for – the ones counted in Quantity Paid For.  Amazon counts the full revenue (before any discounts), so this is what this stat shows.  If you sell 3 units that cost $100 each, this stat will show $300 even if you give a 50% discount and only $150 is collected from the customer.

Net Revenue $:  the Net Revenue stat shows the corrected revenue after removing discounts.  If you have many discount sales, the Net Revenue stat is a much better and more accurate stat for seeing real revenue.

Amazon Payout $:  the Amazon Payout graph shows the exact amount Amazon will pay out to you for these sales.  This is what is left for you after discounts and various Amazon fees have been taken out.

Cost of Goods Sold $:  the Cost of Goods Sold graph shows your cost of good for the products sold, using the Cost information you assigned to this product in the Settings | SKUs page.  We count the cost on units sold.  We DO NOT subtract the cost of units refunded – as often refunded units cannot be resold.

Quantity of Refunds:  the Quantity of Refunds graph simply shows the number of units refunded.

BuyBox%:  the BuyBox% graph shows the percentage of shopper sessions where your listing had the Buy Box.  Amazon refers to this as the Buy Box Percentage.

Conversion Rate %:  the Conversion Rate graph shows what Amazon refers to as the Unit Session Percentage (Unit Sssn %).  It is essentially how many units were sold, divided by the number of shopper sessions viewing your product listing.  If your conversion rate is 20%, then you sold 20 units for every 100 shoppers viewing your listing.

Sales Rank:  the Sales Rank graph shows your products’ Amazon Sales Rank average for the time period shown. Sales Rank can vary by the hour at times, so this is the average Sales Rank for the time period you are viewing, for the product, product line or brand you are viewing.

Estimated Gross Profit $:  the estimated gross profit for that range.

Sessions:  the Sessions graph shows number of visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session.

Number of Customer Reviews:  the Number Of Customer Reviews graph shows the total number of customer reviews.

Average Customer Review:  the Average Customer Review graph shows the average customer review score for a product.


Note:  Reviews and Sales Rank depend on Brand Registry.  See the next section, Amazon Brand Registry.