Knowledge Base

Graphs Data Table

The Data Table is a rows-and-columns representation of your Graphs.

Note: for the Graphs pages, you select which shop (if you have more than one) in the graphs selections (below).  You make the selection of shop (or All) directly on the Graphs page.

Note Also: you can decide which layout you prefer for the Data Table:

At the top of the Data Table section you’ll see all selection options available:

VIEWS:  Lets you save the current view for reuse later.  Click Views to select a pre-saved view, or to save a new one:

The Save Current View button will allow you to save your current selections, for quick recall later.

GROUP BY:  The Group By selection lets you specify how each column in the Table will be grouped.  For example, selecting MONTHS will show each column as a month's worth of data:

INTERVAL:  You can further refine the grouping by using the Interval option.  The "Auto" setting will automatically select the best interval for that Group By value.  For example, the Auto Interval setting for:

Days = 30 Days

Weeks = 90 Days

Months = 1 Year

Years = 3 Years

The Interval detemines the layout of the table and the number of date columns.

You can also manually select custom intervals:

The system will calculate those intervals using your selected Group By selection.

You can further refine by specifying From and To dates.

FILTER BY:  Use the Filter By option to narrow the information in the Data Table by:

Note: If you manage multiple accounts in your ManageByStats you can see data for all accounts combined by clicking the <- arrow to move to the next highest level.

TAGS:  ManageByStats offers a Product Tag system, which lets you add Tags to SKUs, which can then be used for more advanced grouping of results.  See Products > Product Tags for more on this feature.

EXPORT TO CSV:  You can export the results of the table to a CSV file.

In each case the Data Table will display data for the selected oprions.

Now let’s take a look at the two main Graphs sections, Sales Statistics and Marketing Statistics.



Sales Statistics
