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MBS In The News

This week …

New Feature In MBS Gives Additional Clarity To Amazon Sales


Hello & Welcome

This week we’ve got a juicy bit of info on ranking higher in Amazon search results. Check it out in The World of Amazon.

And in Seller Insight, for your perusal, a somewhat long (okay, it’s really long) list of fifty (yes fifty, five-oh) tips for entrepreneurs. About a twenty minute read, but well worth the time spent. Lots of great insight in there to absorb.

As always, we wish you the best of success in all you do.

Have an awesome week ahead.



As you saw in MBS In The News, this week we added a new feature to the Statistics tool. It appears only when viewing the “By Statement” period.

Check it out on your Statistics page in MBS.

Profits > Statistics

Select the “By Statement” period:

When you do that you’ll see an additional set of figures appear below the Total line:

This is the new feature. That section will show additional info, if any, that affects the Statement period payout. This could include Reserve amounts, amounts held back by Amazon, and any loan payments you have with Amazon.

If there are no additional amounts, the section will display (when “By Statement” is selected) with values of 0.

We pride ourselves on our high precision of data. The “By Statement” period is designed to precisely match the same Amazon period and transfer amount. Now, with this new feature, we’re able to incorporate these (potential) additional Amazon adjustments, when they occur, giving you the exact-match figures you expect.



Here are 50 great tips for eComm entrepreneurs in 2020. Geared for new business owners, these tips apply to online sellers at all levels …

50 Ecommerce Tips for New Entrepreneurs



Amazon search result pages (SERPs) are dominated by advertising but there’s still room for our good old friend SEO. So, let’s break down for you how Amazon’s SEO works and what you can do to rank at the top of the organic results.

Search engine SEO (which some call “traditional” or Google SEO) is about 3 pillars:

  1. Content
  2. Technical SEO
  3. Link-building

Your website needs a great user experience, fast pages, a great match to what the searcher wants (called search intent), outstanding content and link building. Your visibility will always depend on those ranking factors, your competitors and Google’s algorithm updates.

On Amazon we don’t need any of that, except for the content …

Amazon SEO 101: How to Rank Higher in Amazon’s Search Results



Two old friends, Ned and John, lived for baseball. Then one day, John died, leaving Ned inconsolable. A few weeks later, Ned heard someone calling his name. He looked up. Standing on a cloud was his old pal.

“Ned,” John called down, “I have good news and bad. The good news is, there’s baseball in heaven!”

“Great!” said Ned. “What’s the bad news?”

“You’re pitching Sunday.”



“When it rains, look for rainbows. When it’s dark, look for stars.”

 – Fiona Childs


To your success,

Your ManageByStats Team


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