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Would it be wrong of me to say that successfully selling on Amazon can be a challenge?

Today I want to talk about why Amazon feedback is important, why you want to improve it, and a tool that can help you do it. 

Why Customer Feedback?

If you’re a long time Amazon seller this is probably old news and if you’re new and struggling to get your footing this article will give you some much needed traction. 

Why do you want feedback?

Let’s face it people like to do what everyone else is doing. So, when your mom would ask you, “If your friends jumped off the bridge would you jump too?” You always told her no, but as long as you didn’t go first and you saw your friends survive you probably jumped.

Well, your current and future customers are no different. They want to buy stuff, maybe even your stuff, but not many people want to be the first one. So, the more feedback and reviews you get the better your chances of getting more purchases due to the social proof. People will feel more confident that your products will work for them if they see it’s worked for others. 

Another side effect of Amazon feedback and reviews is the increased visibility of your products to the search engines. 

So, let’s see, more feedback and reviews leads to increased customer confidence and greater visibility to search engines which should lead to an increase in sales. 

That seems to be exactly what we’re all looking for, right?

With that in mind I give you:

5 Ways To Improve Amazon Feedback


Always focus on customer service


Make sure you or someone on your team is available to respond to customers’ requests within 24 hours. Think about yourself. If you need help using a new product you want to get help and clarification on the correct usage as fast as possible, right? Your customers are the same way.


Keep the Amazon guidelines in mind


You will get negative feedback at some point in your selling career and there are a few instances that you can have it easily removed. To see the official guidelines and what Amazon will remove click here.


Make the unboxing an event


Place some unexpected fun items inside your packaging. You could include things like a sticker, branded notepads, welcome cards, and even a note asking the customer to follow your social media channels and also leave an Amazon review. But, not just any review, you can ask them specific questions similar to: What is their favorite part of the product, how they are using or if they’re giving it as a gift.


Stay active on your brand’s social media


Most likely you’re doing more than just selling things on Amazon, right? So, it’s important to direct your customers to follow your social media and once you have them there you need to engage them. Give them helpful content that accentuates your products and that makes it easier to nudge them back to your store for more products.


Email responsibly


Maybe the best time to email a customer is when their package is delivered. If you can connect with the API’s of the delivery company you should be able to trigger an email to be sent right after the delivery company logs it. You can then place the customer on a nurturing sequence of emails with the goal of solidifying the new relationship. 

In fact, creating an automated email system just for Amazon sellers is what SellerMail was built for. 


If you’re not yet familiar with SellerMail let me tell you a little about how it works.

When a sale occurs in your Amazon Seller Account, SellerMail can automatically schedule and send a sequence of emails to your customer, while giving you full control of what is sent.

You get to decide when and under what conditions customer emails will be sent and you can create custom email sequences for your brands, product lines or individual products.

Check out a few things you can do:

✔︎ Create and schedule custom emails and sequences

✔︎ Trigger emails to your customers based on Purchase, Shipped, Product Refund and multiple other criteria.

✔︎ Refine email rules by Brand, ASIN or SKU.

If you’re the kind of seller that wants to streamline your sales and service process you’ll want to check out SellerMail today

And if you’re already a ManageByStats user, all you need to do is activate your SellerMail to get started.  Find it in your MBS menu under, you guessed it, “SellerMail”.


To Your Success