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MBS In The News

This week …

ManageByStats Releases Free Amazon PPC Training


Hello & Welcome

This week we’re all about the Affiliate program, and affiliate marketing in general. Being an affiliate, whether for MBS or other services, is a great way to both help people and earn passive income. Take a look, and if you haven’t yet dipped your toe in the affiliate pool … now may be a good time to test the water.

Also, in The World of Amazon we’ve got an editorial take on the current state of the original Amazon philosophy.

Here’s to a week better even than your expectations.



Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time again for our semi once-in-a-while reminder about the MBS Affiliate program. Quite possibly the greatest affiliate program out there of its kind, and one which you, as an MBS user, are already a part.

That’s right. As soon as you sign up for ManageByStats you’re given your very own affiliate link.

Find it in your MBS here:

Settings > Affiliate Link

Add your payment info, then, when you recommend MBS to someone simply give them your link to use for sign-up. When they pay you get paid.

Easy peasy.

Give it out onesy-twosy to friends and family. Share it on Facebook; “come one, come all; anyone selling on Amazon needs these tools”. Market it broadly, if you’re a marketing heavy-hitter. If you’re a guru, coach or mastermind, encourage your group to get MBS.

In short, however you make it known, when people sign up using your link and they pay, you get paid.

Rarely will you find something like this where you can check off three “wins” in the heck-yes column. With the MBS Affiliate program:

  • The end-user, the one who signs up for MBS, wins.
  • You, the Affiliate, win — while helping someone in the bargain. And,
  • We, ManageByStats, win.

Win, win, win. Score.

Start recommending MBS to your friends today.



Carrying over from our Tips section coverage of ManageByStats’ great Affiliate program, here in Seller Insight we’ve got an article on Affiliate Marketing in general.

Can you tell we’re trying to get you pumped to spread the word?

Affiliate Marketing is often referred to as the pathway to more financial freedom. It’s a form of a passive income — a popular strategy to drive traffic and generate extra income online. Today, it’s quite an effective tactic for both affiliate marketers and brands and merchants. Indeed, the whole idea sounds pretty tempting.

But does it work?

What is Affiliate Marketing & Does it Work?



The promise of Amazon and its marketplace is the removal of the inefficiencies — and thus the cost — of middlemen. Rather than retailers selling brands on Amazon, the company wants the brands to do it directly. One less middleman. Instead of sellers sourcing from China, the marketplace welcomes factories to sell directly on Amazon themselves. Straight to the source, and straight to the lowest possible price.

However, the removal of middlemen didn’t remove the costs. It has shifted them to different, often hard to police and control places instead …

The Cost of “Your Margin Is My Opportunity”



Three friends stranded on a deserted island find a magic lamp. Inside is a genie who agrees to grant each friend one wish.

“I want to go home,” says the first friend. The genie grants her wish.

“I want to go home, too,” says the second friend. And the genie sends her back home.

“I’m lonely,” says the third friend. “I sure wish my friends were back here.”



“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.”

– Richard Feynman


To your success,

Your ManageByStats Team


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And don’t forget to share ManageByStats with your friends. Our affiliate program pays you an ongoing 25% referral commission.

See the Affiliate menu under Settings in your ManageByStats.