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This Week’s Lineup

  • Amazon Singapore Summit 2020
  • Listing & PPC Analysis Service
  • Selling Your Business?
  • MBS In The News
  • Humor & Quote

Hello & Welcome

This issue we’re announcing an opportunity to learn more about a brand new market, via a summit being hosted by Amazon. It’s the upcoming Amazon Singapore Online Seller Summit 2020.

Interested in finding out more about this new market?

Amazon is inviting sellers from all over the world to get to know about the Amazon Singapore marketplace, and they’ve asked us to share the info for this summit with our audience.

You can register here:

Register For The Summit

We also cover it more in The World of Amazon.

Have a great week!



Not long ago we quietly rolled out a new consulting service for listing and PPC optimization. The rollout was relatively low-key — available to anyone who noticed, but not being trumpeted too loudly — giving us time to iron out the details and gauge the response.

Well, many of you noticed and took us up on it, and we’re happy to say the results have been great. As a result we’re now promoting it more broadly.

It’s right in your ManageByStats, on the main menu:

The listing and PPC analysis service provides a detailed report and expert advice on what you can do to improve your listing’s performance, and what you should do to optimize your Amazon Sponsored Advertising campaigns.

You answer a few questions, give us your objectives, which we then evaluate against the current scene, providing you with a full, written recommendation as to how to achieve your goals.

We provide a listing evaluation of title, bullets, images, description and A+ Content, as well as keyword and search term placement.

Pretty cool stuff.

Check it out in your MBS today.



Selling a business is the ultimate goal of many entrepreneurs. It’s an enormous milestone, can provide a nice cash infusion and is an incredible learning experience.

It’s also an extremely lengthy process fraught with land mines and emotional ups and downs that are not for the faint of heart.

What follows is a crash course on selling your eCommerce business. Most will be highly applicable to selling a non-eCommerce business as well, particularly if it has a strong online presence …

An In-Depth Guide To Selling Your Business



Amazon Singapore Online Seller Summit 2020

The Amazon Singapore Online Seller Summit 2020 is the first seller-focused event in Singapore that aims to bring the local seller community together to connect, learn about upcoming programs and develop the skills needed to expand your businesses to reach more customers with Amazon Singapore.

Hear from Amazon Singapore leaders, industry experts, and existing sellers on Amazon. Whether you’re just getting started or are already an experienced seller on Amazon, you can learn something new at the Amazon Singapore Online Seller Summit 2020.

It’s taking place June 19th at 9 AM in the +8 GMT (Singapore) timezone, which will be 9 PM on the East Coast US.

Register For The Amazon Singapore Summit


MBS In The News

This week …

ManageByStats Offers Amazon Listing And PPC Analysis Service



A new teacher is trying to make use of her psychology courses. She starts her class by saying, “Everyone eho thinks they’re stupid, stand up.”

After a few moments little Johnny stands up.

The teacher asks, “Do you think you’re stupid, Johnny?”

“No, ma’am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself.”



“May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.”

– George Carlin


 To your success,

Your ManageByStats Team


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