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ManageByStats Training

ManageByStats Training

Getting Your Amazon Listing On Target

It's true. There are many ways to get your Amazon listings in front of people and some are more complicated than others. Using PPC ads, for example, can be tremendously helpful to improve the velocity and visibility of your product. But, not all product listings are created equal when it…
David McDaniel
ManageByStats Training

Analyzing SKU-Level Profits On Amazon

So you've got 10 ASINs in your store. Maybe you have 100. Maybe you even have 10,000. It's certainly easy to track revenue. You can go anytime onto Amazon's Business Reports section and pull it up. Same with conversion rates, reviews, etc. But what about profit? The most important metric…
David McDaniel
ManageByStats Training

Managing by Statistics

Without statistical analysis any business is flying blind. Fortunately most businesses manage by statistics to some degree, though in the majority of cases those businesses focus only on primary stats. Revenue, sales volume and other such “big” indicators get the attention, while other stats are ignored, or aren’t even tracked.…
David McDaniel
ManageByStats Training

Amazon FBA

When Amazon FBA came on the scene (Fulfilled By Amazon), it was a revelation for many Amazon Sellers. On September 19th, 2006, Amazon launched Fulfillment by Amazon.  The new service gave small businesses the ability to use’s own order fulfillment and customer service infrastructure.  Also, on the customer side…
David McDaniel