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Amazon Training

Amazon Training

KPIs For Your Amazon FBA Business

Choosing the right KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, to manage your Amazon FBA business is an important decision, ideally one that would be done in the early phases of your initial business launch. As with most best practices, however, it’s never too late. KPIs give you quick, insightful info into…
David McDaniel
Amazon Training

Branding? Marketing? Or Sales?

Intuitively we know Marketing, Branding and Sales are different things, but what’s the distinction? Each has a purpose, distinct from, but complementary to, the other. We use: Branding Marketing Sales in our business operations every day. In truth you use them in your day-to-day life as well, but here we…
David McDaniel
Amazon Training

Amazon Listing Optimization – Mobile

Most anything on the web these days needs to present as well or better on small screens (mobile) as it does on large (computers, laptops). We’re past the days where developing for mobile was an afterthought, or only for the most advanced sites. In fact, that’s most decidedly been inverted.…
David McDaniel
Amazon Training

9 Need-To-Know Tips For Amazon PPC

For Amazon sellers, Sponsored Ads (Amazon PPC) can no longer be ignored. Not that anyone’s necessarily been ignoring them, but their rise in importance is a relatively recent sensation. Amazon ads are not just the “nice to do” thing they used to be. Now, in order to rise above the…
David McDaniel
Amazon Training

Win With Product Page Conversions

Though getting visitors to your product page is what you might consider “Objective Number One”, the real goal is to get them to convert once they’ve arrived. Conversions mean sales, sales mean new customers. In short, lifeblood for your business. So what are some things to watch for? How can…
David McDaniel