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As we put another ManageByStats year in the books, as we say goodbye to the old and prepare to welcome the new, we thought it would be fun to look back on some of the key accomplishments of 2017 — and take a look at what comes next.

Prosperity and greatness await.

To A Legendary Year

Maybe not exactly legendary, but pretty dang good. Last year saw major feature enhancements, bore witness to creative maneuvering to keep up with the fickle and seemingly random changes at Amazon, ushered in an age of inspired new marketing, brought with it the consolidation of many tools and much, much more. 2017 was a great year for expansion, and the overall evolution of the platform.

If 2017 was “pretty dang good”, we can safely say 2018 will earn full “legendary” status. Major updates are coming, including a new look and some wicked-cool new branding. If you like the ways ManageByStats helps you manage your Amazon business now, you’ll love what’s next.

Before we jump into that, let’s take a look at a few of the key headlines of 2017.

In Case You Missed It: ManageByStats

Plenty happened this year. We’ve selected 10 of the top headlines and are including them here. Each hits upon a key theme and takes only a few minutes to read; taken collectively they paint a picture you’ll notice is very customer-centric. We chose this theme because, while it’s true ManageByStats provides a full suite of tools for managing sales and inventory, the core of our functionality is the same as the core of your business: Customers.

And so these articles follows that focus. If you find some time over the long New Year’s weekend we invite you to curl up here with a bit of fine reading. Give our selections a look. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll let loose a triumphant shout.

In no particular order, then, enjoy the top ManageByStats blogs of 2017:

  1. Writing For An Amazon Audience
  2. Minding The Shop: Your Online Security
  3. The Inception Of ManageByStats
  4. Best Practices For Emailing Your Customers
  5. The Dashboard Dashlets Just Got Even Better
  6. Leverage User Options In ManageByStats
  7. The Much-Anticipated “One Email Per” Option In SellerMail
  8. Why Do A Newsletter
  9. Reaching More Of Your Buyers With The Latest Marketing Strategies

So what’s in store for the New Year?

The New Hotness

In addition to the aforementioned branding, we have new tools and updates on the way, including a full suite of Ads tools. Our new Amazon Advertising Manager will save you all kinds of time while giving you the tools to manage your Sponsored Ads campaigns. With the Advertising Manager you’ll have full control. Easy views from the big-picture down to detailed specifics, with clear recommendations you can accept or modify, implementing easily with a single click. Eliminate the overwhelm of dealing with cumbersome processes, lower your ACoS, manage campaigns across multiple markets, set targets, optimize and automate keyword bids and more. Amazon Sponsored Ads management will soon be part of your ManageByStats.

That one’s a biggie, and it’s coming soon.

We’ll also be rolling out a mobile app, a full training university, and help videos to cover every aspect of the program. Yes, we realize that one short sentence threw out some pretty huge things all in one breath. You probably went back and re-read it at least once to make sure you heard right.

But it’s all true, and lots of little improvements are coming as well, from better graphing, to an improved interface, more options for customization, more functionality across all tools, new features and … well, the lineup is long.

It’s going to be a great year.

ManageByStats: Welcome To 2018

We’ll close with a toast, from our friends the Irish:

May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.

That’s a great one — though the “until we meet again” part isn’t as applicable in our case. We’re always here, by your side, your friend and ally in your quest to achieve the best possible results as an Amazon seller. We’re excited with what comes next, and anticipate a very prosperous 2018. We expect the same for you, and look forward to sharing in that success.

Welcome to the New Year.


All the best,

The ManageByStats Team


